PhotoCannon is a file-sharing tool that can save you some time. It allows you to send files to anyone who has an e-mail address. It makes the whole process easier by allowing you to add several files at once. You can either select files individually or you can add entire folders as attachments. PhotoCannon does not limit the size of attachments, but it will charge you for anything over 5 megabytes. There is a nice pricing chart on their website.
Sending files is done in 4 easy steps. First, you add some basic information about yourself. Then, you tell the application to whom you will be sending files and after that you select the files. If you send more than 5 megabytes worth of data, the final step will consist in paying. PhotoCannon integrates with Paypal so that you can pay easily and securely.
PhotoCannon is an Adobe Air app, which you can use on any system supported by Adobe Air.
There are some problems with the application, though. The first one is the 5mb size limit before they charge you. Most e-mail services, even webmail services, allow you to attach files of up to 10 megabytes in size, so charging for half that size seems a little pricey. Also, the application frequently fails to send files and provides no explanation as to what the reasons were, so you are forced to try and retry until it works.
This program allows you to create fun photo collages to share with friends.